哈迪-温伯格法则(Hardy-Weinberg Principle)是一个基本的遗传学定律,用于描述一个理想群体中等位基因和基因型频率在代际之间保持稳定的情况。它揭示了在没有进化压力(如选择、突变、迁移和遗传漂变等)的情况下,群体中的基因频率将保持恒定。 核心内容: 哈迪-温伯格法则指出,在一个随机交配的、足够大的群体中,如果没...
ShortCommunication TheHardy-Weinbergprinciple AlanE.Stark UniversityofNewSouthWales,SchoolofCommunityMedicine,Kensington,Australia. Abstract Hardy-Weinberggenotypicproportionscanbemaintainedinapopulationundernon-randommating.Acompact formulagivestheproportionsofmatingpairtypes.Theseareillustratedbysomesimpleexamples. ...
Hardy-Weinberg principle词源英文解释 G. H. Hardy †1947 English mathematician and W. Weinberg †1937 German physician The first known use of Hardy-Weinberg law was in 1943
2. 哈-温原理 翻译资源百分百-医学词汇台湾翻译(13) ... Hardy-Weinberg law 哈-温定理Hardy-Weinberg principle哈-温原理hare 野兔 ... www.fy100.com|基于2个网页 3. 遗传平衡定律 遗传平衡定律(Hardy-Weinberg principle):在一个大的、随机婚配的群体中,如果没有迁移、选择的影响,突变率保持不变… ...
(kk)) Represent All The Represent All The Alleles Alleles Then Then p+q must equal 1 p+q must equal 1 FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Hardy-Weinberg Equation p + q = 1 p + q = 1 FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Hardy-Weinberg Equation •• Remember The Punnett Square?
Hardy Weinberg Principle: Modeling stasis ▸In the absence of forces causing change, allele and genotype frequencieswill remain the same over time. ▸Assumptions for no genetic change at a locus: (1)Mating is random with respect to genotype for this locus; ...
Hardy – Weinberg principleWikipedia, From
Discover the Hardy-Weinberg principle and explore examples. Learn the Hardy-Weinberg equation, different evolutionary agents and requirements for...
32.2: Hardy-Weinberg Principe Diploïde organismen hebben twee allelen van elk gen, één van elke ouder, in hun somatische cellen. Daarom draagt elk individu twee allelen bij aan de genenpool van de populatie. De genenpool van een populatie is de som van elk allel van alle genen...
2) Hardy-Weinberg Law 哈迪-温伯格定律3) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(HWE) 哈迪-温伯格平衡 1. As the most important principle in population genetics,Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(HWE) is a rule to check whether observed genotypic frequencies and allele frequencies between parents and their off-spring ...