广义里兹场势的Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev不等式的证明意味着,物理学家和数学家们将拥有一种有效的工具,可以帮助他们在进行极为费力的计算之前,预先确定是否有可能通过分析手段来计算一个物理场的结构,比如通过力的可用值而不致产生奇异性。 这个研究成果可以应用于物理学中以确定可以恢复不同性质的物理场的空间图景的条...
Finally, by using the method of moving plane in integral forms, we prove that extremals of the Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality with the fractional Poisson kernel must be radially symmetric and decreasing about some point ξ_0 ∈ ?R_+~n. Our results proved in this paper play a crucial ...
一类带有Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev下临界指数的非线性Choquard方程多解的 Affine structure on the Teichmuller spaces and period maps for Calabi-Yau manifolds Differential and Integral Inequalities Theory and Applications, Vol. 2 Functional Partial, Abstract and Complex Differential Equations 2004-Peter LI__Harmo...
Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality42B3542B2542B10We introduce the Riesz potential associated with the Weinstein operator of order s , as where is its heat semigroup. Next, we define the fractional Littlewood–Paley g -function denoted of order s , as where is the Poisson integral of f . ...
a systematic development of a sharp intrinsic hardy–littlewood–sobolev theory; (ii) the analysis of local and nonlocal isoperimetric inequalities. the aim of the present paper is to take a first step in the program (i). in our sequel paper [ 30 ] we address (ii). our approach combines...
Special properties of homogeneous norms play a key role in our proofs. Also, we give a simple proof of the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality on general homogeneous Lie groups.doi:10.48550/arXiv.1810.11439Aidyn KassymovMichael RuzhanskyDurvudkhan Suragan...
Zhu,Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and Stein-Weiss inequalities and integral systems on the Heisenberg group, Nonlinear Anal., 75 (2012), 4296-4314.Han X L, Lu G Z, Zhu J Y. Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and Stein-Weiss inequalities and integral systems on the Heisenberg group. Nonlinear Anal, 2012,...
12 p. 一维空间中临界离散加权型Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev不等式 5 p. H型群上的Hardy—Littlewood—Sobolev不等式和Stein-Wiess不等式 5 p. H型群上的Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev不等式和Stein-Wiess不等式 Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and Stein-Wiess inequality on H- 5 p. (论文)H型群上的Hardy...
(RUND)的数学家们已经证明了广义里斯位势中的Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev (HLS)不等式。研究结果已发表在Mathematical Notes杂志上。 此项成果扩展了里斯位势在数学和物理中的应用范围。作为处理里斯位势的主要工具,HLS不等式这一新的数学工具可以极大地简化量子力学和其他物理领域的计算,以确定在何种条件下可以恢复不同...
Hardy—Littlewood—Sobolev不等式* 黄际政高红萍 (北方工业大学理学院,100144,北京) 摘要利用Laguerre超群K上的广义次拉普拉斯算子L定义K上的Riesz位势,并证 明它是L(1<P<+..)有界和弱(1,1)有界的,即证明K上的Hardy-Littlewood—Sobolev不 等式.它为进一步分析K上的偏微分方程问题提供了一个有利的工具. ...