For over 30 years Keith Clay Floors has provided the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex with superior quality flooring solutions. Clients just like you enjoy the professional floor restoration, floor refinishing, floor repair, floor installation and floor maintenance services that have always been a qaulity...
Rather than take on the cost of refacing or replacing, allow Michael's Hardwood Floors to refinish your old floors. In just a couple of days we can strip off all the old dirt and old finish to make your floors shine as if they were brand new. Or if you are looking to purchase new...
For over 30 years Keith Clay Floors has provided the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex with superior quality flooring solutions. Clients just like you enjoy the professional floor restoration, floor refinishing, floor repair, floor installation and floor maintenance services that have always been a qaulity...
A pad for a hardwood floor which has an upper layer of floorboards and a lower subfloor, and a plurality of the pads supporting the subfloor and floorboards in spaced relation above a base, each of the pads including horizontally oriented triangular openings defined by angled legs, to ...
and a plurality of the pads supporting the subfloor and floorboards in spaced relation above a base, each of the pads including horizontally oriented triangular openings defined by angled legs, to optimize the restoring force of the pads and thereby extend the useful life of the hardwood floor....
Would YOUlike to know how much your floor restoration will cost? + REQUEST A QUOTE BLOGarticles There is a lot of valuable information in our blog, but be careful... you may be there a while. There are 40+ articles and over 2,000+ comments to go through!
Hardwood Floor Refinishing Get the appearance of new hardwood floors at a fraction of the cost by refinishing your floors. Learn More Hardwood Floor Restoration Repair old hardwood floors and make them look brand new again by giving them some restoring love. ...
into your home. The next step is sanding with special dustless sanders; then the surface is coated with three coats of polyurethane. Your hard wood floors will have been seamlessly repaired and look like new. If you didn’t know better, you would think you just a brand new floor put in...
Existing wood floors: The restoration of an older floor requires more aggressive sanding. Sanding an existing hardwood floor can present more variables; the older the floor is, the more character it will inevitably have. We always try to preserve the integrity of the hardwood floor by not making...
Would YOUlike to know how much your floor restoration will cost? + REQUEST A QUOTE CUSTOMERfeedback We had Natural Accent refinish our very old hardwood floors a few weeks ago.We absolutely LOVED their work! They were so professional, courteous and friendly.They did a great job communicating ...