图2 选择测试项 二、AIDA64稳定测试红了什么原因 电脑超频设置不合理,稳定性测试可能会出现告警,也就是界面红了。现象是在信息框(下图中的红框)中,看到红色警告:“warning: XXX”,其中XXX代表的是错误信息,常见的有“Hardware failure detected !Test stop”,同时测试自动停止。这种情况,需要我们进一步判断错误出现...
When I use the AIDA64 Stresstest with "Stress CPU, Stress FPU, Stress cache, Stress system memory" ... 1+hour without issues. When I use "Stress GPU(s)" ... 1+hour without issues.. When I use "Stress GPU(s), Stress system memory" ... i get a "Warning: Hardware failure d...
Hello, i'm new to this and pretty noobie on informatic questions. Here's my problem : like you can read it in the title and on the linked png, i got stability issues and I don't know how to fix it. I'd seen that my cpu was overheating, the multiplier of
everest 测试出现hardware failure detected,是什么情况? 这个everest测试到你的硬件有问题,换另一个试下,如果结果一样, 那就是你的某个硬件有问题了. warning hardware failure detected! Test stopped 用AIDA64测稳定性的时候,一次安装一根内存条!(然后关机,换一根)。如果其中一根正常跑,另一根不通过,就说明这根内...
琢磨着这个测法不大靠谱,于是祭出aida64。单烤FPU发现几十秒至两分钟内必然出现Warning:Hardware failure detected!Test stopped 或 死机。单内存条+换位,故障依旧。(期间好像还出现过一次蓝屏whea_uncorrectable_error)单烤cpu和内存无报错。(因为烤FPU时都是两分内出问题,所以这里也都是短时的测试)请教各位大佬,...
After I got the blue screen, I ran AIDA64 another time and this time after a few minutes I had “hardware failure detected” message and the test stopped. I ran the test with stress Cpu, stress FPU, stress cash, stress system memory (just these).I tested another time and then again ...
warning hardware failure detected! Test stopped 用AIDA64测稳定性的时候,一次安装一根内存条!(然后关机,换一根)。如果其中一根正常跑,另一根不通过,就说明这根内 猜你关注广告 1游戏棋牌开发 2搬家 公司 3网站制作 58二手房 钢材价格 直读光谱仪 雕塑公司 健康管理师证 华为云空间 螺旋喷嘴 废气...
On default bios settings my games started to crash so I used AIDA64 Stress test. I checked "Stress CPU" "Stress FPU" "Stress Cache" and I got the Warning: Hardware failure detected! Test stopped after four seconds. If I uncheck the cache box then I do not get the error. I tried ...
1. Is there a way to see details on aida64 for what failure it detected? 2. And most importantly, what cache? Is the "Stress cache" test on Aida64 for the CPU cache, RAM, MOBO, GPU, etc? This system is less than a year old, so I imagine its all under warranty still. ...