Interface n. 1.【计】接口(连接两装置的电路,可使数据从一种代码转换成另一种代码);接口程序;连接电路 2.界面,分界面 3.(人机)界面(尤指屏幕布局和菜单) 4.(两学科、体系等的)接 software n.[U]软件 interface n. 1.界面,分界面 2.接合部 3.【电脑】接口;连系装置 INTERFACE =International Re...
《Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface》,中文译名,《计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口》,是计算机组成原理的经典入门教材之一。节奏紧凑又不紧张,内容充实又不冗长,语言表述朴实易懂又不故作高深,是一本非常适合初次接触计算机组成原理的学生阅读的入门教材。 读书笔记系列博客是主要是记录我...
hardware-software interface 英 [ˈhɑːdweə(r) ˈsɒftweə(r) ˈɪntəfeɪs] 美 [ˈhɑːrdwer ˈsɔːftwer ˈɪntərfeɪs]网络 硬件软件接口 ...
The HardwareSoftware Interface总结一 1.硬件接口与软件接口2.为什么要学习这些接口(可以更好地理解高级语言与机器语言的转换过程,知道程序的运行过程,更好地提升编程的能力,甚至成为computerscientist)3.HW/SWinterfaceisverysample4.1assemblyinstruction=1machineinstruction5.Cprogram与c编译器之间的接口(ccompile)到...
Hardware/Software InterfacesThe objective of a hardware/software interface is to enable communication between software and custom hardware. The software runs on a microprocessor, while the custom hardware is attached to that micdoi:10.1007/978-1-4419-6000-9_9Patrick R. Schaumont...
ComputerOrganizationandDesign TheHardware/SoftwareInterface RevisedFourthEdition DavidA.Patterson UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley JohnL.Hennessy StanfordUniversity Withcontributionsby PerryAlexander TheUniversityofKansas PeterJ.Ashenden AshendenDesignsPtyLtd JavierBruguera UniversidadedeSantiagodeCompostela JichuanChang Hewle...
Hardware/Software Interface Codesign for Cyber Physical Systems Cyber physical systems (CPS) are a new generation of systems combining intensive connectivity and embedded computing. CPS allow to link physical and digital worlds. Despite all the previous research in the area of HW/SW interfaces design...
计算机组成与设计 : 硬件/软件接口 : 第4版= Computer organization and design,the hardware/software interface,fourth edition : 英文 / (美) 帕特森 (Patterson,D... 计算机组成与设计 : 硬件/软件接口 : 第4版= Computer organization and design,the hardware/software interface,fourth edition : 英文 / ...
Computer organization and design : the hardware/software interface David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy ; with a contribution by Peter J. Ashenden, James R. Larus, Daniel J. Sorin Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, c2005 [i.e. 2004] 3rd ed : [CD-ROM]关键词: Computer organization Computer engineeri...
Large portion of embedded system development process is the integration of hardware and software. Unfortunately, the communication across the hardware/software boundary is tedious and error-prone to create. This paper presents automatic hardware/software interface generation system. System designer defines ...