Moreover, preliminary evidence of a dose-response effect of financial hardship on AS&R health comes from a small study of 40 refugee children aged 8–16 living in London (UK) that found the number of financial hardships increased the odds of serious mental illness, with one financial ...
Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, contract number AG-3198-B-10-0028. The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s) and should not be construed as representing the opinions or policies of the UKCPR or any agency of the Federal Government. ...
Both surveys asked respondents if they had been disconnected for lack of payment of gas or electricity bills in the previous twelve months. The relationship between disconnection and the EHPS was analysed via two-tailed Welch's t-tests (Table 12 below). Table 12. Relationship between disconnection...
To conclude, this study found that variety, more than quantity, of FV intake among older adults in this UK cohort was consistently patterned by diverse economic conditions. Different types of FH each provided additional explanatory power for understanding variation in the variety of FV consumed beyon...