Hardness is one of the oldest water quality parameters and was originally a measure of the capacity of the water to precipitate soap. Indeed, the oldhardness testsused a standard soap solution. Hardness is a measure of the combined concentrations of Ca and Mg in the water. The convention has...
How is water hardness measured? Water hardness is measured in "grains" per gallon, in milligrams of calcium (Ca) per liter, or water hardness may be expressed in ppm - parts per million, and also in German Degrees of Hardness (dH) [which we drop here as this is for fish tanks]. You...
Test Water Volume - crude test Soap drops - crude test Grains/gallon GPG of Water Hardness ppm mg/L Water hardness in parts per million in milligrams per liter Softness of the water 12 oz 10 0-1 0-17.1 Very Soft 20 1-3.5 17.1 - 60 Slightly Hard 30 3.5 07/13...
Specifically, if you have a whole house tankless water heater. If your hot water system uses a standard tank, you are in luck and usually may opt for a new, salt-less technology. Hard water waste can cost hundreds of dollars per year, as it affects laundry operations, water heater ...