As we’ve seen, there are many hard-to-pronounce words in English. Some have sounds that are nearly impossible to get your tongue around, while others just don’t seem to make sense. The good news is that if you can learn these words, you can probably conquer any English word! Are t...
'oo' Or for example this word, 'right'.再比如“right”这个词。You might expect someone from the UK to say 'right'.你可能以为英国人会说“right”。However, in Birmingham or the Black Country they say 'raaa-eet', 'raa-eet'. It's a completely different sound.但在伯明翰或黑乡,他们会说...
The wordisthmuspresents a challenge of pronunciation when read aloud, because most English speakers would be tempted to pronounce theTHin this word. However, in this case, theTHis silent, making the correct pronunciation [is-muhs ]. Another word you may be familiar with that has a silentTHisas...
Yes,hardestis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth10points by itself. find more words you can make below Hardest Definition Superlativeformofhard. Mostrigidor mostdifficult. from the English-language Wiktionary Top Words by points
What is the longest word in the English language? Answer What is the moon worth? Answer What is the only chain we can eat? Answer What is the saddest fruit? Answer What is the tallest building in town? Answer What is there more of the less you see?
Idioms (习语) are one of the hardest parts of learning a language. For those of you who don’t know, an idiom is a phrase which has a meaning, but the meaning is not clear from the words themselves. If you translate an idiom word for word, it sometimes makes no sense at all. The...
Here are a few factors that matter when considering how hard a language is to learn: writing system sound inventory and rules for combining sounds in words grammatical complexity (things like word order, case system, etc) how different the culture is and to what extent it’s reflected in the...
A few reasons why Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn for English speakers include: Its grammar structure: Japanese is anagglutinative language, meaning that words rely on affixes rather than word order to change meaning. Three writing systems to master: Hiragana and Katakana to rep...
If youD An idiom which has a meaning is a group of words,but the meaning is not clear from the words themselves. If you translate an idiom word for word, it sometimes makes no sense at all. With that in mind, here are five common English idioms that you can use in different ...