From the firstconsole generationto the last, there have always been boss fights. These battles upped the difficulty to test players on all the skills they learned up until that point and push them even further beyond. Boss fights come in all shapes and sizes depending on the genre, such as...
From the firstconsole generationto the last, there have always been boss fights. These battles upped the difficulty to test players on all the skills they learned up until that point and push them even further beyond. Boss fights come in all shapes and sizes depending on the genre, such as...
There isn’t much hand-holding so players will get lost over and over throughout the game’s playtime. Hollow Knight offers difficult platforming sections that require the utmost precision and timing as well as some of the hardest boss fights I have ever experienced in a video. The post-...
I don't know if I'll ever be able to beat it, but as the only boss who has bested me for good, it's the most vivid demonstration of the incredible challengeHollow Knightpresents.
If you’ve reached this stage of the game, you probably knew who was going to be number one.Promised Consort Radahnis the most difficult boss ever put together by the masterminds at FromSoftware and is truly an example of the upper limit of video game challenges. His first phase is a...
Blade of Darkness’ complex combo-based combat system is one of the most interesting takes on melee battles that I’ve ever seen in a video game. It’s almost like a deeper and more challenging version of the lightsaber combat system from the oldJedi Knightgames, and it makes the simplest...
This game has some controversy with its inclusion. Many people voted this as the hardest game ever – so many, in fact, that it was one of the top vote-getters. However, others claim that with some basic memory and after getting used to the patterns, Contra becomes relatively easy. A ...
The boss battles in this game are positively evil, and the final boss it at the Dark Soul level of difficulty, which is saying something, seeing as that type of difficulty didn't exist when this game was released. Also ranks #86 on The Best Nintendo 64 Games Ever Made, Ranked Also ...
in...I think I was in 3rd grade. I had a baby sitter over one night and I was fighting my way through the desert palace. I actually got pretty far in the game before I gave up. I finally beat it a couple years ago with the aid of an emulator. Man, that final boss was tough...
Perhaps one of themost iconic bosses in video game historyis the Icon Of Sin from the ending ofDOOM II. While the boss itself seems easy enough to defeat, it is everything that is happening around the player that causes aggravation. All the player has to do is right a platform up high...