Hi, everybody my name is Alisha and today we're going to be talking about ten of the hardest words to pronounce according to you guys. So we collected some information from you on Facebook, thanks very much for sending in your ideas, and these are the top 10 most difficult words for...
Now if you want to practice listening to the accents of Birmingham and the Black Country, a good place to start is a TV show like Peaky Blinders, very worldwide famous it's a brilliant tv show and they speak with Birmingham and Black Country accents to varying...
Most of the people in this world can’t even pronounce the words of Dravidian Languages and Sanskrit. For me, yeah, learning and speaking Japanese and korean are as easy as learning English and French. Chinese is a bit difficult, but it is the easiest of all as we dont have to use ...
Jim Lyon and Don Woods created INTERCAL, one of the hardest coding languages to learn, in 1972 as a satire of several computer languages. 'Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym.' was the first moniker given to it. INTERCAL includes various features that aim to frustrate programmers. ...