全球十大最难学的语言 Top 10 hardest languages to learn 有很多种语言都号称是世界上最难学会的语言。联合国教科文组织曾经公布过世界十大难学语言的名单,及其为何难学的解释,让我们来看看它们是否名副其实。 法语(French) 全球十大难学语言之一:法语 [资料图片] 作为29个国家的官方语言,法语是一门非常具有挑战...
Many languages have been claimed to be the toughest one to learn. Here follow ten candidates for the title of "hardest language to learn," as released by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. This list of 10 candidates includes an explanation as of why they made ...
French, one of the 'Top 10 hardest languages to learn' (China.org.cn) Manylanguageshavebeenclaimedtobethetoughestonetolearn.Herefollowtencandidatesforthetitleof"hardestlanguagetolearn,"asreleasedbytheUnitedNationsEducationalScientificandCulturalOrganization.Thislistof10candidatesincludesanexplanationasofwhytheyma...
So, let’s take a look at the hardest language to learn. The Top 10 Hardest Languages to Learn in the World Your native tongue will dictate the difficulty level of other languages. People who already speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese, or one of the other tough languages stand at a ...
237. Learn the Top 10 Hardest Portuguese Words to Pronounce是【油管搬运】500+集葡萄牙语教程 | Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com的第237集视频,该合集共计558集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
016. Learn Thai with Video - Forest Animals 02:28 017. Learn Thai with Video - Positive Emotions 02:23 018. Say Thank You in 21 Languages 02:01 019. Learn Thai - Lesson 1 How to Introduce Yourself in Thai 03:04 020. Learn Thai - Lesson 2 Thai Greetings and how to WAI 03...
Mandarin Chinese is one themost spoken languages in the world, and one of the most difficult languages for non-native speakers to learn. It’s known as thelargest Chinese macrolanguageand has the most native speakers of any other language (nearly 1 billion). ...
These 10 languages are rated as some of the hardest for English speakers to learn by theUS Foreign Service Institute, along with Vietnamese and Thai. Language learning is literallya mind-bending challenge, but here aresome of the easiest languages to learn, including German, Portuguese,...
If you're a thrill seeker and up for a challenge, you're in luck because I'm here to give you a rundown of the top most mind-bending programming languages.