From the firstconsole generationto the last, there have always been boss fights. These battles upped the difficulty to test players on all the skills they learned up until that point and push them even further beyond. Boss fights come in all shapes and sizes depending on the genre, such as...
From the firstconsole generationto the last, there have always been boss fights. These battles upped the difficulty to test players on all the skills they learned up until that point and push them even further beyond. Boss fights come in all shapes and sizes depending on the genre, such as...
I know this one might sound too simple, but it is really important in World’s Hardest Game. There are some games out there that you can fly through without much struggle. World’s Hardest Game is not one of those games. It is very easy to find yourself stuck on a level, but you ...
an entirely new superpower boss in the second phase of the fight depending on who you defeat first. They’re the most popular tag-team in the Souls series and they stand at the crossroads in the game where you can decide to throw in the towel or power through despite the unfair ...
shifting it into a sort of cat-and-mouse game of quick strikes and retreats, but overall, Radahn is an impressive foe on the battlefield. Being able to summon a total of 8 warriors to assist in defeating this boss might lessen the difficulty somewhat, but it creates a wild spectacle to...
The boss fight with Verdugo in the original game was one of the coolest as it paid homage to theAlienfranchise. Verdugo looked a lot like a Xenomorph which couldn’t have been a coincidence, especially with that whip-like tail. The boss fight is a bit easier in the remake because it ...
boss is one of the few unfair fights you will encounter inElden Ring. She has everything to defend herself from being attacked on all sides at all times. She does incredible damage, can catch you from a distance and take off the entire health bar, and generally isn’t a good boss....
Boss battles in Elden Ring can get emotional: fear, frustration and triumph are all extremely closely linked every step of the way. We list the toughest fights in the game.
boss in order to get one of the game’s four main endings by following Fia the Deathbed Companion’s questline. Of all the many dragons inElden Ring, Lichdragon Fortissax proves to be one of the most terrifying, with the battle taking place in an area called the Deathbed Dream which ...
This is like one of those hard boss fights from old NES games that were impossible to defeat. Even above Isshin, the Sword Saint, and even above Isshin Ashina, the Demon of Hatred is arguably the most difficult boss in the game. At least its name is fitting. The Demon of Hatred's at...