一般書籍分開Paperback (平裝書) 和 Hardback (精裝書) (又稱Hard Cover) 兩種。兩者最大分別在印刷和用紙,而內容上並無分別。某些人氣高的書籍會採用先推出Hardback版本的策略,先攻最忠實的支持者。其後再推出平一半的Paperback。Hardback由於用紙講究,封面封底皆有硬卡
1. (书)纸面装订的,平装(本)的 There arepaperback mysterieson the bookshelf. 书架上有平装的神秘小说。 hardback [] 精装本 adj.(形容词)+n.(名词) A book bound in cloth, cardboard, or leather rather than paper. Used of books. 精装的:用布、卡纸片或皮革而非纸包装的。用于书 用法跟paperbac...
a. 1.(书)纸面装订的,平装(本)的 Therearepaperbackmysteriesonthebookshelf. 书架上有平装的神秘小说。 hardback [] 精装本 adj.(形容词)+n.(名词) Abookboundincloth,cardboard,orleatherratherthanpaper.Usedof books. 精装的:用布、卡纸片或皮革而非纸包装的。用于书 用法跟paperback类似,不再举例。 本文...
1. (书)纸面装订的,平装(本)的 There arepaperback mysterieson the bookshelf. 书架上有平装的神秘小说。 hardback [ ] 精装本 adj.(形容词)+n.(名词) A book bound in cloth, cardboard, or leather rather than paper. Used of books. 精装的:用布、卡纸片或皮革而非纸包装的。用于书 用法跟paperb...
平装本vs精装本paperback-hardback 经常去书店买书,发现有些书除了在包装上以外内容上没有任何差异,但在价格上却相差不少,这就是所谓的平装本和精装本的差别,掌握以下两个词汇对以后的购书相当有好处。 paperback [ ] n.平装本 A book having a flexible paper binding....
Paperback 平装本 Hardback/hardbound book精装本 An open question 暂时没有准确答案的问题 Avocation 业余爱好 vs vocation 职业 Besmirch sb’s reputation 对某人污名化 Patrician class 贵族阶级 Hard facts ...
[理由] 空格前有Whether引导的完整名词从句“Whether this book should be published in hardback or paperback” (这本书是否以精装本或是平装本发行),得知名词从句作主语时,等于单数名词,故知空格内应置入单数动词is,因此(C)应为正选。 名词从句共有3种: 1) 以that引导的名词从句 that he is nice(他人很好...
Paperback | E-book 13.99 | 3.99 Roger Shumar boldly confronts the core issues facing the world today, challengin citizens to look at the world with fresh and logical eyes and to concentrate more on enjoying the good things. Remembering a Great American Hero Marian Anderson: "The Lady from Ph...
Bookholder A holder for both paperback and hardback books includes a spreader bar having finger-like page holders at each end thereof and a hairpin-like spine gripping member in the center. A stand member of wire- form construction is pivotally mou... TA Graham - US 被引量: 20发表: 1977...
Paperback Vs Hardback and which should you order? A hardcover aka Hardback book is bound by a protective cover, traditionally with paper or leather dust jacket over the main cover. The aim of this type of book cover is durability and it will stand the test of time. Paperback books on the...