(RBS), on the six-digit hard-coded root password used by hackers for hacking internet-accessible digital video recorders (DVRs) of its manufacturer RaySharp. It further presents views of Carsten Eiram, chief research officer of RBS, on the requirement of raising awareness among consumers....
8.Hard-codedPassword 8..1DescriptionofapplicationvulnerabilityHardcodedpasswordsmaycompromisesystemsecurityinawaythatcannotbeeasilyremedied. Itisneveragoodideatohardcodeapassword. Notonlydoeshardcodingapasswordallowalloftheproject'sdeveloperstoviewthepassword,italsomakesfixingtheproblemextremelydifficult. Oncethecodeis...
Strong Virtual Password Scheme Using Reference Switching on Coded User Parameters and Phishing Attack 46 p. MENGBASHA/0071S/0072N 8 p. document no n2882=09-0072 20 p. N-Ary Coded Modulation 1 p. 400_正文_PS_p0072 8 p. on hard decision upper bounds for coded m-ary hierarchical ...
How to FIX Use of Hard-coded Password (CWE ID 259)(8 flaws) in C# code where Google Drive App ID (.p12) file is loaded? I performed a Veracode scan on my Windows EXE. It reported following security vulnerabilities on the code...
Content & configuration Doing static code analysis, found CWE 259 problem in following line. https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/blob/v3.25.0/src/core/components/auth/oauth2.jsx#L105 Description A method uses a hard-coded password ...
Date: March 12, 2020 11:47PM I have a bash shell that does automatic insert to table that has hard coded password. How can I avoid someone using this password to insert data manually. Subject Written By Posted hard coded password
One thing to think about is if the secret is safe to commit or not. For example in some of my.env.examplefiles I do commit aPOSTGRES_PASSWORD=passwordvalue because this is only used in development. I’m ok with “leaking” that because it makes using the project a lot easier to get...
For Android: instead of using a hard coded KeyStore password, the application should provide its own from a safe origin (the app should be responsible for coming up with a password). Otherwise the Xamarin.Social.Accounts keystone in all apps that use the Xamarin.Auth components can be easily...
username = "admin" password = "123456" # 使用username和password进行认证 这样的代码存在严重的安全隐患,因为任何人获取到这段代码后都能轻易地看到用户名和密码。 3. 学习安全的凭证管理方法 安全的凭证管理方法包括但不限于以下几种: 环境变量:将凭证存储在环境变量中,并在代码中通过读取环境变量来获取这些信...
The following code example connects to a database using a hard-coded user name and password: private static final String p = "123456"; // hard-coded credential public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"; String u = "admin";...