He's gonna want a reward for all thishard work. Va a querer un premio por todo esteduro trabajo. More examples Machine Translators Translatehard workusing machine translators Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Try 7 Days for Free 🚀 Remove ads...
Where a hardworking man can go right to the top all the way in a single lifetime. Donde un trabajador normal puede llegar hasta la cima en su vida. You wouldn't be after throwing' out... a poor, hardworking man who's been down on his luck, would you? Usted no echaría a un ...
The meaning of HARDWORKING is constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work : industrious, diligent. How to use hardworking in a sentence.
Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
b. (in combination): hard-earned. 44. slowly and reluctantly: prejudice dies hard. 45. go hard with to cause pain or difficulty to (someone): it will go hard with you if you don't tell the truth. 46. hard at it working hard 47. hard put hard put to it scarcely having the...
Hard up!Hard is also often used in composition with a participle; as, hard-baked; hard-earned; hard-featured; hard-working; hard-won. Hard (härd), Verb. T. To harden; to make hard. [Obs.] Chaucer. Hard, Noun. A ford or passage across a river or swamp. ...
Explanation: In the formal translation, expressions like "era" (was), "incluso" (even), "comparación con" (compared to), "jornada laboral" (working hour), "descansar adecuadamente" (rest properly), and "sobrevivir" (survive) contribute to a more formal tone. These words and phrases are...
Define hardtack. hardtack synonyms, hardtack pronunciation, hardtack translation, English dictionary definition of hardtack. n. A hard biscuit or bread made with only flour and water. Also called sea biscuit , sea bread , ship biscuit . American Heritage
An almost 4,000-year-old Pharaonic funerary garden was unearthed by a Spanish archaeological mission working in Upper Egypt's Luxor City, Egypt's antiquities ministry announced Wednesday. Messi unlikely to travel for FIFA appeal Lionel Messi will reportedly not accompany an Argentine legal team in ...
We understandhow hardyou are working, day after day. Sabemosqueestás trabajandodurodía a día. And the weight of clothing zamaskiruesh not, no matterhow hardyou try. Y el peso de la ropa no zamaskiruesh, no importacuántote esfuerces. ...