The debate between hard work and smart work has been going on for a long time. While some people argue that success only comes from hard work, others believe that working smarter, not harder, is the key to success. So, what is the difference between hard work and smart work, and which...
This lasted all day long. Each hour one of the woodcutters stopped for ten minutes and the other one continued to work. When time expired, the first woodcutter,who worked without any stopping, was absolutely sure that he won the prize. 机械的工作持续了一天,每当其中一个伐木工停下休息十分钟...
Hard work: We are doing specific work with more energy and more time. Smart work:We are doing work with our (mind & energy). It can take less time. (5) Bk Basavarajsaid:3 weeks ago According to me, Both hard work and soft work require mental effort, energy, and time, but they c...
In conclusion, hard work is the foundation, and smart work is the upgrade. We need both to reach our full potential. 中文翻译: 努力工作和聪明地工作对于取得成功都至关重要。以运动员为例,他们在艰苦的训练中花费无数的时间,日复一日地挥洒汗水。这就是努力工作。没有努力工作这个基础,他们就没有机会...
Workingsmartisworkingwithagoalinmind,agoalthatismeaningfultoyou. Workingsmartalsomeansknowingwhatpointsarehighpriorityandwhatyoucanbeflexibleon,soyoucanfocusonwhat'simportant. Smartworkalsoreferbeingcreativeandlookingforotherwaystogetworkdonefaster.WhatisHardwork? Hardworkinvolvescommitment,involvementandseriousness ...
7859 2 44:01 App 桂婷婷小学英语名师优课 Work hard, work smart. part1 4.6万 12 38:56 App 听桂婷婷讲述英语名师的成长之路 1.5万 5 47:30 App 名师桂婷婷|Chant & Rap 小能手|绘本课|错过会后悔系列 2.8万 51 1:04:41 App 桂婷婷|小学英语最新优质课What do they do? 16.7万 121 2:40 App...
Work Hard or Work Smart ? 曾经和一众好友聊天,提到各自的公司或团队管理中,更喜欢那一类勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨(work hard)的小伙伴,还是那一些做事麻利、事半功倍(work smart)的小伙伴……其实答案是显而易见的,大家都喜欢态度work hard,工作效率work smart的小伙伴。但如果今天只能让你选一种,你会选择哪一类...
在职场中,只有Work hard是远远不够的,更要Work smart。只有具备智慧的工作方式,才能够在竞争激烈的社会中脱颖而出。智慧的工作方式不仅能够提高个人工作效率,还能够改善工作生活平衡,减少工作带来的压力。同时,智慧的工作方式也更能适应不断变化的工作环境。随着科技的发展和社会的进步,我们需要不断学习和适应新的工作...
“Work hard”努力工作、“work smart”聪明工作和“work hard and smart”既努力又聪明地工作是三种不同的工作状态,每种状态都有其独特的特点和优势。以下是它们的区别: Work Hard(努力工作) 定义:投入大量的时间和精力,专注于完成任务,不怕辛苦。