It’s 108,000 words and 242 pages single-spaced, and although the beginning is very strong and I’m keeping that chapter intact, it never really flowed out of the gate with the punch I wanted. I’d gone back and forth between 3rd person past and 1st person present, but though I thou...
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, the first Democratic Latina woman to be elected governor of New Mexico, said that many women and men have worked diligently to break the glass ceiling in American politics — before noting how that description is actually misleading, saying “It’s really ...
Earlier today, Donald Trump announced that he will bebanningall transgender men and women from serving in the U.S. military, including the 15,000 currently in the military. This cruel bigotry strips these troops of their livelihoods simply because one man doesn’t like the way they were born...
sound. This happened maybe four or five times a day for the first few weeks. Eventually every one of the five hundred kids in the school was going to see my face at some time. And I knew after the first couple of days that word had gotten around about me, because every once in a...
The players used an inflated pig’s bladder as their ball and called it the “pigskin.” Both sides chose one of their men to serve as a referee and they gave each man a black-and-white striped shirt to wear. The tribesman and the pilgrim referees didn’t know each other’s language...
"The loudness of the music at that age offered me this totally secure environment, in the sense of how I could hear it at all times," Dieffenbach recalls. "It let me develop my ability to connect with something [audibly] instead of living within this loose collection of sound."...
Thus you start to see a variation on cognative bias that have given us lynching parties and strawmen witnesses[1] in times past. It’s the old “It’s the Butler wot dunit” knee jerk argument that quickly becomes self reinforcing and thus develops a life of it’s own. It’s such ...