Jeremiah 32:27 Verse Concepts “Behold, I am theLord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?” Bible Theasaurus During(545 instances) Hard(378 instances) Prayer(450 instances) Times(535 instances)
Bible Verses About Strength Today I decided to bring together some encouraging and challenging verses talking about how and where we need to find strength in the midst of turbulent times. I hope you find them uplifting as well. Where Do We Find Strength? Where do we find our strength? In ...
O God, in these trying times, remind me of the eternal life promised in Christ Jesus. Help me to maintain an eternal perspective that brings light into the darkest of times. Strengthen my heart, Lord, and let me not be shaken as I trust in Your eternal promises and the powerful God wh...
“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”—1 Chronicles 16:11 (Bible Verses) “To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.”—Romans 2:7 (Bible Verses) “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at t...
As a self-confessed computer bozo (if not leaning somewhat towards computer-phobic at times)I am delighted to report that the technical, usability, etc., side of thePuritan Hard Drivehas presented no challenges to me whatsoever! It is as simple as ABC!
Your prayer time doesn’t necessarily have to accompany your normal devotional time. For me personally, a lot of times evenings work better for dedicated prayer time. It may be different for you. Whatever time works best, make sure that time is set aside especially for prayer. Having a desi...
Some of their songs straddle both sides. The choppy riffing and wistful reflection ofSet Me Freeand the meaty yet melancholicWhere Have All The Good Times Gone?spring straight to mind. The Kinks had the golden touch of fusing muscle with melody.Till The End Of The Day, as you well know...
Having been a pastor now for nearly twenty years, there have been so many similar circumstances, I have found myself in. And even as a pastor, I too can feel scared and inadequate to enter into someone else’s suffering at times. I have not always done it perfectly or wisely. There...
It must be realized, though, that we are living in “critical timeshard to deal with.” 然而我们必须意识到,现今是个“难以应付的凶险时代”。 jw2019 WE LIVE in what the Bible calls “critical timeshard to deal with.” 圣经说现今是“难以应付的非常时期”。( ...
Walking peacefully beside Shoal Creek, a creek I’ve walked beside for most of my lunchtimes the past five years, a giant light green insect landed and attached to my upper arm. I could not shake it loose and had to scrape it off my hulking bicep with my plastic gym card. I enjo...