(2013), Stein consistent risk estimator (SCORE) for hard thresholding. arXiv: 1301.5874.C.-A. Deledalle, G. Peyre´, and J. Fadili, Stein consistent risk estimator (SCORE) for hard thresh- olding, in arXiv:1301.5874, 2013. Presented at SPARS'2013....
The present paper does a first step in filling this gap by showing that the group hard thresholding estimator has an excess risk that goes to zero when the corruption rate approaches zero.doi:10.3103/S1068362320030073A. G. MinasyanYerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia...
The effect wa ys of estimating noise variance on the statistical characteristics of the stabilized hard thresholding of signal wavelet coefficients is studied. An unbiased estimator of the mean-square risk is analyzed. It is shown that under certain conditions, the estimator distribution tends to a ...
The effect wa ys of estimating noise variance on the statistical characteristics of the stabilized hard thresholding of signal wavelet coefficients is studied. An unbiased estimator of the mean-square risk is analyzed. It is shown that under certain conditions, the estimator distribution tends to a ...
Arlene K. H. KimStatistica Sinica, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia SinicaA. Carpentier and A. K. Kim. An iterative hard thresholding estimator for low rank matrix recovery with explicit limiting distribution. Statistica Sinica, 28:1371-1393, 2018....
see 〈 http://www.seio.es/test/Archivos/issues/Ab_TESTAutin.html 〉] has established the following estimation result: by considering the Gaussian white noise model and the Besov risk B p , p 0, the BlockShrink estimator is better in the maxiset sense than the hard thresholding estimator....
Our contribution is theoretical: we prove that a hard thresholding wavelet estimator attains a sharp rate of convergence under the mean integrated squared error (MISE) over Besov balls without imposing too restrictive assumptions on the model. Applications are given for two types of inverse problems:...
thresholdingunbiased risk estimatorcorrelated noiseA way of reconstructing tomographic images based on wavelet-vaguelette decomposition is considered for a model with correlated additive noise. The asymptotic properties of an unbiased estimator are studied for the mean-square risk with stabilized hard ...
Specifically, variable step size's mechanism and variable momentum parameter are incorporated into traditional Iterative Hard Thresholding-based channel estimator to develop the proposed Iterative Hard Thresholding with Combined Variable Step Size and Momentum (IHT-wCVSSnM)-based estimator. Computer ...
Though the channel estimator proposed in this paper is built on the same traditional Iterative Hard Thresholding algorithm employed in [37], however, the main distinctions between this work and the one presented in [37] include the following. In 37, a constant step size parameter is employed in...