Wheat Hard Red Berries are the result of cleaning hard winter or spring red wheats. The color is light to darker red-brown with some white for flaked p...
There is a fresh strawberry stand within biking distance from our home. The strawberries are always so juicy and sweet. Problem is I have two little ones who can down a whole flat of berries in one day. My daughter did not like the idea of using the strawberries she could be eating to...
Breeding of A New Hard Wheat Cultivar 'Hanamanten' for Chinese Yellow-Alkaline Noodle A new hard red wheat cultivar 'Hanamanten' was developed from the dihaploid lines derived from the F1 plants of the cross KS831957 / Saikai 179 at Nagano P... K Nakamura,Y Uehara,S Hosono,... - 《...
The sooner you get started the better, for you can plant an orchard, berries, and perennial vegetables, such as Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, etc., allowing time for them to mature to bearing age. You can also have adequate time to slowly stock up on food and other supplies, work the ...