出现“hard disk:not detected”(未侦测到硬盘)的提示的可能的原因有:硬盘数据线接触不良。硬盘供电不足。BIOS参数设置错误。硬盘本身存在故障。解决问题的办法如下:重新拔插一下数据线或者换一条新数据线若能排除故障说明是数据线的问题,若故障依旧则进入2。拔下主板上的电池,清空BIOS设置,重新加电...
Summary:- Facing a hard disk problem is one of the most common issues faced by users. Hard disk problems often happen suddenly due to viruses, file system errors, and various other reasons depending on user to user. If you are also one of those who are facing Windows detected a hard ...
hard disk not detected 意思是未检测到硬盘,No bootable device --insert boot disk and press any key continue 意思是无可启动设备——插入启动盘,然后按任意键继续。就是说硬盘出问题了,要么硬盘坏了,要么数据线或电源线未接好或坏了。自己插拔下数据线和电源线,如果问题依旧,建议送维修店。
If you see a message box pop up saying Windows detected a hard disk problem, first back up your files and follow the instructions given in this post to fix the problem. Do not disable this useful warning as it is meant to alert you of hard disk failure.
What leads to Hard Disk Problems/Errors? Protect your data with system tools How to deal with this error How DiskInternals can help you What Leads to Windows Detected a Hard Disk Problem/Error? The truth of the matter is that there are several factors that can lead to the failure of Wind...
原因一:硬盘的数据线或电源线接触不良,主板检察不到硬盘.解决方法:把数据线和电源线拔下来再插上去试一试或买一条新的数据线换上去试一试.原因二:BIOS中HARD DISK BOOT设置为Disable,把BIOS还原出厂设置就可解决.原因三:硬盘电路损坏,一般人无法修理.原因四:主板的硬盘控制模块损坏,一般人无法修理....
Why the hard disk has problems? Now there can be any number of things due to which a problem is detected in your hard disk but we will go ahead and list all the possible reason as to why this error occurs: Damaged or failing hard disk ...
您好,造成硬盘不能识别的问题,很多,主要由软件或硬件问题,这里指的软件是硬盘的固件,硬件是物理上的损坏。故障现象 1、通电后电机会转,但有异响,声音表现为有规律的敲盘声;(磁头或盘面损坏)2、通电后电机不转;(电路板或电机损抔,或磁头与盘坏卡住)3、通电后电机会转,磁头有...
开机,进入主板BIOS.,找到硬盘设置项,.依次选择:Config-Serial ATA (SATA)---在Serial ATA (SATA)界面中,有AHCI和Compatibility两种模式。选择AHCI即可。再选择第一启动项为U盘... 电脑插入事先准备的PE系统U盘,,,保存退出.这时电脑启动后应该进入PE系统,,,再对SSD分区或格式化,注意4K对...