出现“hard disk:not detected”(未侦测到硬盘)的提示的可能的原因有:硬盘数据线接触不良。硬盘供电不足。BIOS参数设置错误。硬盘本身存在故障。解决问题的办法如下:重新拔插一下数据线或者换一条新数据线若能排除故障说明是数据线的问题,若故障依旧则进入2。拔下主板上的电池,清空BIOS设置,重新加电...
Why Is a Hard Disk Not Detecting on Windows 10/11 The internal hard disk of a computer is an essential device for carrying the operating system and storing data. The external disk is also an important tool for data backup and transmission. But sometimes, it brings trouble when it is not ...
hard disk not detected 意思是未检测到硬盘,No bootable device --insert boot disk and press any key continue 意思是无可启动设备——插入启动盘,然后按任意键继续。就是说硬盘出问题了,要么硬盘坏了,要么数据线或电源线未接好或坏了。自己插拔下数据线和电源线,如果问题依旧,建议送维修店。
we buy new hp aio computer system [Personal Information Removed] which has 256 gb ssd and 1tb hdd but system not shows the 1tb hdd kindly resolved our issue Category: Windows 11 I have the same question 1 REPLY Irwin6 13,549 492 609 HP Support Agent 09...
we buy new hp aio computer system [Personal Information Removed] which has 256 gb ssd and 1tb hdd but system not shows the 1tb hdd kindly resolved our issue Category: Windows 11 I have the same question 1 REPLY Irwin6 13,441 491 608 HP Support Agent 09-04-2023 08:...
You can easily remove the write protection from the drive using the below-mentioned diskpart method. 2. File system error - the current file system is not supported by Windows When Windows 11 encounters an unsupported file system, it can display the hard drive as RAW and inaccessible. For ...
联想电脑开机进bios显示 hard disk:not detected 是硬盘坏了吗,还是因为接触不良?原因是这样的,这几天比较热,电脑很烫,我就拿个打火机垫在电脑下面,形成一个大一点的空隙,然后用风扇帮助降温,结果打火机爆炸了,后来电脑运行越来越慢,卡死了直接拔电池,后来开机bios显示 hard disk:not detected,还有得救吗,我怀疑...
电脑出现no hard drive detected的解决方法及步骤为:工具/原料:电脑,Windows10操作系统,键盘 1、首先,电脑出现no hard drive detected这个问题,主要是键盘引起的,因为它检测不到键盘,可以把键盘更换一个接口。2、接着按【Ctrl+alt+delete】,就会进入到电脑。3、如果以上无法解决,当出现no hard ...
然后进入bios后直接显示的Hard Disk:Not Detected,意思是检测不到固态硬盘,这是接触联想电脑第三次遇到了,前面两次是因为固态硬盘的固定螺丝没上,接触不好所以进不去,所以我准备拆开看一下,看下是不是同样的问题。正准备拆呢,前天打客服电话报修的一台ThinkPad x1机器(闪屏问题)上门的工程师来了,这真是...