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看来是你的BIOS设置有问题,电脑没有软驱,而你的软驱没有关闭。开机按DEL键进入BIOS,(我不熟悉你的BIOS)可通过翻页找到有Floppy 1.44的地方,选择设置Disable 。如果你的BIOS版本支持中文,切换到中文,自己能看懂。
1、请您在开机后,看到DELL图标后,按3下F2进入BIOS。2、选择第3行“Drive Configuration ”,然后按“回车”3、选择“Diskette Drive A:”,按“空格”键,将后面的选项变为“Not Installed ”,然后按“Esc”键退回主界面。4、按“Esc”键,选择“Save Changes and Exit ”,再“回车”,保存退...
If you're having issues with your Dell hard disk drive, here are some of the fixes you can try.
Hard-disk ..今天换上三星固态硬盘显示这行字母,Hard-disk drive failure strike the F1 key to continue,F2 to run the setup utility,,
Potential hard disk failure Settings on applications like Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) and so on. NOTE: This article deals with the Intel RAID that is built into Dell desktop computers: Do you see a prompt to press theCTRL+Ikeys after the computer completes Power-...
然后再来接上电源和电池,在电脑关机状态下面按住“Fn”键,然后按开机键,系统即会出现主板自带的硬盘诊断程序。当出现七彩条画面按Y,如果有报错请记录error code 和MSG信息。如果没有问题的话,几分钟后检测很快就通过出现 no problems has been found的信息,退出关机。如果都没有问题,可以开机按F8...
您好 建议您重新安装一下系统,这样应该您的问题就解决了。
Full solutions to fix or disable Smart Failure Predicted on Hard Disk on 0, 2, 4 issue are created here. Try them one by one to repair smart hard drive failure when the issue occurs on Dell laptop, Sony Vaio, Lenovo ThinkPad and other devices in Windows
DELL LATITUDE D 600电脑启动的问题 Primary hard disk drive 0 not found 该怎么解决啊 电脑读不到硬盘blos里面的diskette drive internal hddUSB storage devicecd/DVD/CD-RW Drivedisabled都 成灰色 你开机时,按F12可以选择引导菜单。 按照你的情况,可能是硬盘坏了。