In this paper, we present two new fast and efficient decoding algorithms to decode linear block codes on binary channels. The main idea in the first decoder HSDec is based on a new efficient hash function that permits to find the error pattern directly from the syndrome of the received word...
it’s clear that the former has much less (one-fourth) information per syllable. This means that each word contains more information, which can be harder to decode or keep track of as a second-language learner.
Soft input soft output decoder for turbo codes A decoder structure is described that can be implemented on an integrated circuit and used to decode turbo codes. A soft input soft output decoder includes a metric aggregator, and a codeword resolver, each of these elements co-operating... N Sh...
convert file to byte array and Vice versa - Native C++ Convert from CString to std::string in UNICODE builds Convert from std::string to CString in UNICODE builds convert from std::string to LPWSTR Convert HRESULT hex error code to string Convert std::wstring to UCHAR* Convert TCHAR [] to...
be marked in a variety of ways, it is most common for manufacturers to use a date wheel. These clock-looking codes are universal across all hard hats and safety helmets, with the number in the middle signaling the year of manufacture and the arrow pointing to the number signaling the ...
Message Authentication Codes (MAC) ::tink::mac::computekeyset_handlecontent Computes the MAC for the given data with the given keyset handle and returns the resulting MAC. settag [::tink::mac::compute$hmac_keyset_handle"hello world"]
And that was even considering that Andrei had already done the most tedious part, of assembling the instructions by hand into hex codes! Not to mention that when I wanted to add one instruction to one of the test programs, I had to adjust the offset in a neighbouring LEA instruction, ...
Hamming (7,4) codes With a Hamming code, we have 4 information bits and we need to add 3 parity bits to form the 7 coded bits. The can be seven valid combinations of the three bit parity matrix (excluding the all zero combination) i.e. ...
Unfortunately, the tool we use to decode error codes says the one you provided is invalid. Please check it an enter it again so we can confirm it is a drive issue. I am a volunteer and I do not work for, nor represent, HP Was this reply helpful? Yes No Nel...
This doesn’t mean that playing with codes and cyphers is useless for amateurs. To the contrary, it can be a great learning experience. I have written about cryptography several times in this blog over the years (some links below). I think this is a great topic for students to learn ...