Hard Cast Lead Bullets and Polymer Coated Bullets NOTE: We do NOT sell Loaded Ammunition. Only the projectile for handloading purposes. Badman Bullets hard cast bullets and Polymer coated bullets are manufactured from premium grade alloy, complemented with a high quality lube or Polymer finish resu...
Our family has been shooting competitively since 2001. As SASS champions we understand what it takes and what equipment is required to win: Perfect practice, persistence and precision products. A high quality hard cast lead bullet can mean the difference between 1st and 2nd Place. Considering the...
The first three shots will form a clover leaf in the 10 ring, and the fourth and fifth shots hit two and four inches low, respectively, at 65 yards, propelling a 525-grain cast lead bullet at about 780 fps. I was headed out to hunt deer and javalina in Texas and thought it ...
“The default passwords many manufacturers use are freely available online so it’s important to get these simple passwords changed.” “If the device doesn’t have a password, then as a bare minimum, you should set one up, making sure it’s not one that can be easily guessed.”...
Hard Cast Lead Bullets and Polymer Coated Bullets NOTE: We do NOT sell Loaded Ammunition. Only the projectile for handloading purposes. Badman Bullets hard cast bullets and Polymer coated bullets are manufactured from premium grade alloy, complemented with a high quality lube or Polymer finish resu...