Harbor Freight’s jacks tend to have a decent reputation. Personally, I think the 2 ton shop crane is one of the best Harbor Freight-made products I’ve ever tested. They sent one for review, and I found its assembly, fit, finish, and overall quality to be a step above other Harbor ...
but some of the most popular include painting, sewing, and woodworking. If you’re interested in painting, you’ll need to purchase some supplies such as canvas, paintbrushes, and paint. Or, if you want something to add to the beauty of your ...
A year ago I wrote about thedemise of America’s clamp manufacturersand my choice to try a few inexpensive alternatives for the obsolete Pony, Wetzler and the like. We decided to buy a few types of Harbor Freight clamps and give them a try. A year of use has passed and here are my ...
Harbor Freight Tools for Schools is an initiative of The Smidt Foundation, established byHarbor Freight Toolsfounder, Eric Smidt, to support the advancement of skilled trades education in America. With the aim to stimulate greater understanding, support, and investment by public e...
Amazing deals on this 2-1/2In Table Swivel Vise at Harbor Freight. Quality tools & low prices.
Different types of equipment outside of woodworking, construction, and automotive applications require the use of an air compressor, and noise reduction is appreciated or even required. Air compressors – especially oil-free – tend to be loud and shrilly. 66 dBA ...
You could also ignore the lid and create your own dust separator assembly using the Bauer cyclone with other types of drums or containers. Surprisingly, Harbor Freight gives you a lid with the kit, but not a 5 gallon bucket, but I suppose this keeps the price down....