Harbor Freight is America's go-to store for low prices on power tools, generators, jacks, tool boxes and more. Shop our 1500+ locations. Do More for Less at Harbor Freight.
Harbor Freight buys their top quality tools from the same factories that supply our competitors. We cut out the middleman and pass the savings to you!
Harbor freight as a store is great - of course they have crap but they also have great prices on some great tools. The app is not great tho. Sure, it does the job - and is pretty much just the web page in an app. But the loading times can be horrendous at times, and there’s...
Know where the next Harbor Freight store should go? Let us know!Get Started Harbor Freight Tools is America’s leading retailer of quality tools at the lowest prices. We have 1500+ Harbor Freight Stores across the USA. To help you find a Harbor Freight store near you, visit our Store Loc...
November 20, 2024California, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Utah Events How Might We… November 20, 2024Nevada More News Stay Informed Through The Toolkit® Connect with us and help create a robust dialogue about the value of skilled trades education in our high schools ...
You can check out the latest reviews of your favorite Harbor Freight tools and items, just enter the part number or a couple words in the search box above and you'll be on your way. If you're interested in submitting your own reviews please click login above and create a user account!
Harbor Freight Tools's Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a 13 with 49% Promoters, 15% Passives, and 36% Detractors. Net Promoter Score tracks whether Harbor Freight Tools's customers would recommend using the product based on a scale of -100 to 100. ...
Positive Reviews From Harbor Freight Tools Employees What do you like best about the leadership team? They care about you, you're not just a number Anonymous ReviewPosted 7 days ago What makes you most happy at work? the paycheck and benefits to support my family ...
Harbor Freight Tools是一家私人控股的美国折扣工具和设备零售商,总部位于加利福尼亚卡拉巴萨斯。公司经营零售连锁店,邮购和电子商务业务。 Harbor Freight Tools在美国47个州开设超过700家门店,提供超过7000种工具和相关产品。 1968年,Allan Smidt在加利福尼亚州北好莱坞小楼创建Harbor Freight Tools。之后,公司收购美国另...
Harbor Freight Tools is dedicated to generous pay for performance compensation and long-term careers. People who can combine personal accomplishment, leadership and a true commitment to teamwork thrive at our company.