entered top few and our tool workbench has been purchased by many famous Auto 4S shop, such as Audi, BMW, T-mall Cars, etc. As for the tool chests, we have three tool trolley series to meet different customers'inquiry. What's more, we also acting tool sets for...
After using the rubber mat on the lift cart for a while, I soon decided that I wanted a laminated top for the cart, much like I had made for the tool chests.I cut down a pre-fab countertop to the appropriate size and added 1x2 poplar strips on 3 sides, cut so that the top is...
U.S. General tool chests, carts, and accessories all carry the standard 90-day warranty. With products this robust, you typically know immediately if you have a problem. Once you get your tools loaded, anything likely to break or snap-off (you see what I did there?) should quickly manif...
At this time, we don’t know how much Harbor Freight’s other upcoming Icon hand tools will cost. But, I have to wonder – if they won’t be significantly discounted compared to published breaker bar prices at the time of this posting, how well will they sell against other brands in t...
Harbor Freight sent an email newsletter out today, with an all-caps subject line: WE’RE BRINGING BACK COUPONS! In the email, starting with an “Inflation Busters – More Coupons” graphic, a series of a tool and equipment coupons followed. There are quite a few “Super Coupons” and “...
starting to disrupt the market with their Hercules power tools. I wouldn’t quite see them as alternatives to Dewalt and other pro-grade tool brands, but potentially as a step-up from entry-level tools. Perhaps not. With Harbor Freight, every tool needs to be considered on an individual ...