海伯特自由(Harbor Freight)2吨(4000磅)杠杆扳机说明书 64542 2 Tons (4,000 lb.)15-7/8"3-1/2"T o n2F L O O R J A C K
海洋工具 Harbor Freight 杜邦扳手 64241 56641 64785 产品说明书 Visit our website at: http://www.harborfreight.com Emailourtechnicalsupportat:***64241 56641 64785 When unpacking, make sure that the product is intact and undamaged. If any parts are missing or broken,please call 1-888-866-57...
VISITOURWEBSITEATHTTP://.HARBORFREIGHT Copyright©2006byHarborFreightTools ® .Allrightsreserved.Noportionof thismanualoranyartworkcontainedhereinmaybereproducedinanyshape orformwithouttheexpresswrittenconsentofHarborFreightTools. Fortechnicalquestionsandreplacementparts,pleasecall1-800-444-3353 ...
Freight Tools. Diagrams within this manual may not be drawn proportionally. Due to continuing improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein. Fo e hni al ques ions o epla emen pa s, please all 1-800-444-3353. ...
Specifications Harbor Freight Tools(规范港口货运工具).pdf,Specifications Blue (Low) Gauge 0-120 PSI Blue Hose 1/ IN. FFL x 4 FT. 9 IN. 4 Red (High) Gauge 0-500 PSI Red Hose 1/ IN. FFL x 4 FT. 9 IN. 4 Yellow Hose 1/ IN. ACME x 4 FT. 9 IN. 2 Gauge Accur
海洋工具 Harbor Freight 锥头镀铸钢锥头镀铸钢锥头 360°旋转镀铸钢锥头说明书 Visit our website at: http://www.harborfreight.com Emailourtechnicalsupportat:*** When unpacking, make sure that the product is intact and undamaged. If any parts are missing or broken,please call 1-888-866-579...
Harbor Freight welding parts offer heavy duty construction for exceptional service life. Versatile design. Ideal for a variety of welding applications.
Harbor Freight 产品说明书
I any parts are missing or broken, please call Harbor Freight Tools at the number on the cover o this manual as soon as possible. Handle Assembly 1. Insert the Lower Handle (33) into the Handle Base (29) until it locks in place with ...
When unpacking, check to make sure the parts listed on page 8 are included. If any parts are missing or broken, please call Harbor Freight Tools at the number on the cover of this manual as soon as possible. WARNING: The brass components of this product contain lead, a chemical ...