Create a safe workplace for employees with Traliant’s online sexual harassment training. ✓ Ensure continuous compliance with our in-house legal team.
Available in more than 100 languages, including English and SpanishCourse Duration:1 to 2 hoursPricing: Starts at $19.95/seat/course (minimum 5 seats to be booked)6. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training by Compliance Training Group“Every employee has the right to work in an environment free ...
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Sexual Harassment Prevention Online Training New NYS law requires all public and private employers to provide annual sexual harassment training. In the recently enacted sexual harassment law, employers must implement annual training and specific procedures that meet or ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: acoso sexual harass (ˈhӕrəs) , ((especially American) həˈras)verb annoy or trouble (a person) constantly or frequently.The children have been harassing me all morning.acosar, hostigar;atormentar ...
While federal law, under the governance of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), doesn’t currently require state entities or private organizations to provide sexual harassment prevention training to employees, the EEOC strongly encourages employers to provide “regular, interactive, ...
What is workplace harassment prevention training and why does it matter? Workplace harassment training, including sexual harassment, is all about educating employees and managers on how to recognize, address, and prevent harassment in the workplace. This training is crucial because it helps create...
*New 2019 Workplace Diversity and tolerance training California Compliance This coursecomplies with AB 1825, AB 2053, SB 396, SB 1300 and SB 1343 rules: Two hours long Effective and interactive Explain prohibitions against and the prevention and correction of sexual harassment AND prevent abuse con...
9-time award-winning sexual harassment prevention training vetted by one of the largest law firms in the U.S. and backed by a 200% compliance guarantee.45 minutes (Employee) 60 minutes (Manager)(or training time set by state/city law) 4 Course Modules (Employee), 5 Course Modules (Manage...
sexual harassment prevention training Highly effective compliance training adhering to CA AB 1825. Many harassment trainings are nothing more than a lecture.We’re different. Our trainers are also professional entertainers!They deliver the information in a way that’s entertaining and that attendees real...
However, the presence of inappropriate sexual behavior must also be acknowledged. The right of staff to work in an environment free of harassment must be respected. The need for explicit institutional guidelines and training opportunities is discussed....