Now the best way to keep a neighbor from parking in front of your property is to politely ask them not to mark there. The area in front of your house is not considered part of your property, which means your neighbor might refuse to stop parking there and is within his rights to do ...
I receive these types of cases where people are being harassed by their neighbors. Since I am a private investigator I am able to help you gather evidence of the harassment. This documentation may be helpful if you are going to sue your neighbor for harassment or obtain a civil harassment r...
Issues thatdon’tnecessarily contribute to a hostile work environment: a colleague being rude one day, your boss making a cringe-worthy joke or your cubicle neighbor talking loudly on the phone. Since the “totality of circumstances” is the issue, “hostile work environment” is an umbrella te...
My friend and ex-neighbor are living in another home now, but my landlord is telling me I'm not allowed to have my friend or her husband come to my house anymore or else he will evict us too. I own the trailer and I'm only renting the space. I have been renting here for about...
2.Intentional—abully’sintentionisto hurtsomeone 3.PowerImbalance—abullychooses victimsheorsheperceivesas vulnerable (RIP:bullying―rips‖someoneapart) QuickTime?anda decompressor areneededtoseethispicture. Somefacts…. Byage24,60%ofidentified
but in this day and age where anyone can be arrested or sued for defending themselves, these laws are necessary. It is unfortunate that we need to keep coming up with new laws for what seems to be menial issues. But, if you look at how screwed up people are today, I can't help bu...
The trouble is, most harassers and rapists and abusers are just…people. They’re friends and family members and coworkers and colleagues. A lot of the time, they’re perfectly pleasant. Maybe they have a great sense of humor. Maybe they always shovel their neighbor’s driveway after it ...