Haptic InterfacesIntroduction, BriefPerception, HapticPerception, CutaneousPerception, KinestheticActuators, RotationalActuators, PiezoelectricStretch, SkinDevices, Force Feedback
Development of smart and effective haptic interfaces and devices requires extensive studies that link perceptual phenomena with measurable parameters and incorporation of such domain knowledge in the engineering of haptic interfaces. This paper presents design, development and usability testing of a neuro-...
例句与“ haptic interfaces " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 'For the haptic interface, we used a robotic arm called a PHANTOM that has one contact point. cordis Haptic interface devices, displays and systems for providing tactile feedback and force-feedback tmClass ...
Haptic interfaces and devices Sens. Rev. (2004) J. Aoki, T. Murakami, A method of road condition estimation and feedback utilizing haptic pedal Advanced Motion... A. Frisoli et al. Force-based impedance control of a haptic master system for teleoperation Sens. Rev. (2004)View more referen...
Keywords:Remotecontrol;Hapticinterfaces;Mobilerobots;Forcefeedback;Sensorsformobilerobots 1.Introduction Moderntelepresencesystemsaddressinadditionto visual,alsoauditoryandhapticsensestoprovide informationtoahumanteleoperator(Buss&Schmidt, 1999).Thisactiveareaofresearchinremotecontrol analyzestheintegrationofmultimodalsenso...
15, Pages 31293-31313: Design and Calibration of a New 6 DOF Haptic Device For many applications such as tele-operational robots and interactions with virtual environments, it is better to have performance with force feedback than without. Haptic devices are force reflecting interfaces. They can ...
We present an experimental implementation using one of the most popular devices, the PHANTOMreg, and show experimental results for a simple case of haptic interaction. 展开 关键词: control engineering computing haptic interfaces manipulators virtual reality computer generated simulation haptic device haptic...
Ahaptic interfaceis a mechatronic system that modulates the physical interaction between a human and his or her tangible surroundings. Haptic interfaces typically involve mechanical, electrical, and computational layers that work together to sense user motions or forces, quickly... ...
Hapticdevicesarethekeycomponentsintheteleoperationandvirtualrealitysystems. 力觉主手是遥操作和虚拟现实系统中的关键设备。 www.fabiao.net 9. He'sparticularlyexcitedabouthapticinterfaces,whichprovidephysical"feedback"tousers. 他尤其对触觉链接这种能够提供肢体回馈的技术兴奋不已。
Haptic devices are the key components in the teleoperation and virtual reality systems. 力觉主手是遥操作和虚拟现实系统中的关键设备。 www.fabiao.net 9. He's particularly excited about haptic interfaces, which provide physical "feedback" to users. 他尤其对触觉链接这种能够提供肢体回馈的技术兴奋不已...