多个选项可用于调整socat和其渠道,Socat可以作为TCP中继(一次性或守护进程),作为一个守护进程基于socksifier,作为一个shell Unix套接字接口,作为IP6的继电器,或面向TCP的程序重定向到一个串行线。 socat的主要特点就是在两个数据流之间建立通道;且支持众多协议和链接方式:ip, tcp, udp, ipv6, pipe,exec,system,...
发送方的TCP将用户递交的字节流划分成独立的报文进行发送,而接收方的TCP将接收的报文重新装配上交给接收用户。TCP同时处理有关流量控制的问题,以防止快速的发送方“淹没”慢速的接收方。一旦数据报被破坏或丢失,通常是TCP将其重新传输,而不是应用程序或IP协议。 三、TCP数据报的传输 1.TCP数据报报头 发送和接收方T...
多个选项可用于调整socat和其渠道,Socat可以作为TCP中继(一次性或守护进程),作为一个守护进程基于socksifier,作为一个shell Unix套接字接口,作为IP6的继电器,或面向TCP的程序重定向到一个串行线。 socat的主要特点就是在两个数据流之间建立通道;且支持众多协议和链接方式:ip, tcp, udp, ipv6, pipe,exec,system,...
support for TCP FastOpen on the listening side, TCP user timeouts to let the kernel quickly kill connections when it detects the client has disappeared before the configured timeouts, TCP splicing to let the kernel forward data between the two sides of a connections thus avoiding multiple memory...
HAProxy (stands for High Availability Proxy) is a popular open source TCP/HTTP Load Balancing software and proxying solution for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is fast, reliable and particularly suited for very high traffic web sites and powers quite a number of the world's most visited...
下面以一个实验验证高可用性。准备三台机器以及一个vip(阿里云,openstack等都有提供)。 haproxy haproxy提供高可用性,负载均衡,基于TCP和HTTP的代理,支持数以万记的并发连接。https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy haproxy可安装在主机上,也可使用docker容器实现。文本采用第二种。
配置很简单,haproxy的两个服务器都是用同样的配置。【需要说明,因为后面访问的是mysql,因此需要使用四层负载均衡,mode需要选择tcp】 #---# Example configuration for a possible web application. See the# full configuration options online.## http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.4/doc/configuration.txt##--...
support for TCP FastOpen on the listening side, TCP user timeouts to let the kernel quickly kill connections when it detects the client has disappeared before the configured timeouts, TCP splicing to let the kernel forward data between the two sides of a connections thus avoiding multiple memory...
看起来可能是这样的: frontend web tcp-request content reject if { src_get_gpc0(Abuse) gt 0 } acl scanner src_http_err_rate(Abuse) ge 10 http-request deny if scanner flag_abuser backend Abuse stick-table type ip size 1m ex 浏览4提问于2019-05-07得票数 1...
Note that for tcp-level routing decisions, when requiring data from the client such as needing to inspect the request, the inspect-delay statement is required to avoid HAProxy passing the phase by without any data from the client yet. It won’t wait the full 10 seconds unless the client ...