Then, independently on this bug, thereplace-pathaction only applies on the path part. The scheme part is never evaluated. But, from HAProxy point of view (or an HTTP server one), thews(orwss) scheme does not mean anything. The client always sends valid HTTP request based on infos extra...
use_backend pinsurveyifpinsurvey_acl# ez-datamanagement-apiacl ez_datamanagement_acl path_beg -i /ez-datamanagement/ use_backend ez_datamanagementifez_datamanagement_acl default_backend ez_admin backend ez_admin http-request replace-path /ez-admin/(.*) /\1 balance roundrobin server ez_admin_...
http-request <action> [options...] [ { if | unless } <condition> ] 1. 定义适用于请求的规则。 例如: acl nagios src http-request allow if nagios http-request deny 1. 2. 3. 4. 16、http-response http-response <action> <options...> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]...
tcp-request content <action> [{if | unless} <condition>] tcp-request inspect-delay 7层访问控制: http-request { allow | deny | tarpit | auth [realm <realm>] | redirect <rule> | add-header <name> <fmt> | set-header <name> <fmt> | del-header <name> | set-nice <nice> | set...
http-response replace-value location ^(.*redirect_uri=[^&]*[^\.])"${NETCOOL_OCP_HOST_BACKUP}"(.*)$ \1"${PROXY_HOST}"\2 其中: <path_to_certs_dir>是包含在代理服务器主机上生成的必需证书的目录的路径。 <primary_proxy_host>是完整 DNS 或代理主机服务器,例如。 在备...
bind /<path> [, ...] [param*] 定义监听地址。 例子: listen http_proxy bind :80,:443bind10.0.0.1:10080, http_https_proxy bind :80bind :443ssl crt /etc/haproxy/site.pem 4、cookie cookie <name> [ rewrite | insert | prefix ] [ indirect ] [ nocache ] ...
在上述配置中,使用了http-request set-header命令来修改请求标头值。如果请求标头值为A,则将其修改为B。 保存并重启Haproxy:保存修改后的配置文件,并重启Haproxy服务,使配置生效。可以使用以下命令重启Haproxy: 代码语言:txt 复制 sudo systemctl restart haproxy 完成上述步骤后,Haproxy将会将请求标头值从A修改为...
http-request replace-path ^/cbb/(.*) /\1#去掉/cbb server cbb_node1192.168.18.51:9999/ check inter3000fall3rise5 2. 使用ngnix 代理mysql sudo docker run -itd --restart=always --name=sea_ngnix --net=host -v /opt/docker/nginx/nginx.conf...
致: http-request replace-path ^([^\ :]*)\ /sys/ha/(.*) \1\ /\2 进行上述更改后,我重新启动了 haproxy,它启动没有任何问题并且按预期工作,这对于将 haproxy 1.* 升级到 haproxy 2.* 的用户会有帮助最新问题Safari双击变焦背后的秘密是什么? 循环运行的 GAMS 输出到不同的 Excel 文件 PHP v7...
by github in contrast, you can capture the path and the query string using http-request replace-pathq and then either strip off the query string or insert it back, possibly with additional query parameters, as shown: # strip off the query string # /a/b/c?x=y --> /a/b/c/foo ...