server app3 app3:8001 check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none It adds the build-in dns resolver for custom networks, and ignores if the service is not available on startup. Also the “mode: http” is removed from frontend and backend. fravaccaro(Fravaccaro)July 28, 2022, 8:45am6 T...
把优化的数据清除掉之后重启haproxy,可以正常启动。详情参见"解决Haproxy误报"backend xxx_server has no server available!" 而我们的测试环境没有做过类似的操作,因此该博文的内容对我们没有意义。但是该测试环境的haproxy之前作为其他项目的代理服务器,于是按照之前的配置做了修改,把代理的源服务器地址参数删除,如...
haproxy[6778]: backend other_chuck-blog_com_backend has no server available! 1. 2. 3. 4. 可以看到 linux -node2 进入了维护maintain状态 开启主机 打开linux-node2主机(只对现有的server生效,不能用来新增节点) [root@linux-node1 haproxy]# echo "enable server other_chuck-blog_com_backend/linux-...
软件:haproxy---主要是做负载均衡的7层,也可以做4层负载均衡 apache也可以做7层负载均衡,但是很...
haproxy[15968]: backend static has no server available! Message from syslogd@localhost at Nov 22 21:53:15 ... haproxy[15969]: backend app has no server available! ^C [root@node1 ~]# ps -ef | grep haproxy root 15967 1 0 21:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper -f...
[WARNING] (7) : Server map_backend/map_101 is DOWN, reason: Layer4 timeout, check duration: 2004ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.[ALERT] (7) : backend 'map_backend' has no server available! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
Q:什么是高可用集群(Cluster)? 答:高可用集群(High Availability Cluster,简称HA Cluster),是指以...
Jun 7 09:46:25 localhost haproxy[2480]: backend app has no server available! Note: 如果你是自行编译安装haproxy的话,有时候可能会自定义日志文件在编译目录下面,但是rsyslog并没有读取该目录的权限,所以只能呵呵了~,不过办法总归是有的,就是折腾。。。
1,如果日志里面出现proxy proxy-mysql has no server available!这个的报错时,可以先看一下后端的mysql服务是否正常,如果正常的话有可能是防火墙的规则有问题或者selinux没有关闭导致的。 2,生产环境如果出现从库宕机要判断主从复制是否有误,复制延迟大不大,确认没问题再提供服务,不然要将有问题的从库从配置文件中摘...
HAProxy: backend {#PXNAME}: Server is DOWN Backend is not available. count(/HAProxy by HTTP/haproxy.backend.status[{#PXNAME},{#SVNAME}],#5,"eq","DOWN")=5 Average HAProxy: backend {#PXNAME}: Average response time is high Average backend response time (in ms) for the last 1,...