22/5/2024 HAPPY WESAK DAY 92 GENIUS1001 Sport Talent LV7 Follow Wesak Day is the day that commemorates the triple occasions of the birth (also called Buddha Jayanti), enlightenment (also known as Buddha Purnima) and death (also called parinibbana) of the Gautama Buddha, the founder of ...
卫塞节快乐 Happy Wesak Day 至诚祝贺北海双溪浮油菩提佛寺庆祝佛诞庆典庄严圆满。善哉,善哉!
祝大家卫塞节快乐!Happy Wesak Day! Selamat Hari Wesak! 第一次回马六甲家乡庆祝!好开心!#WesakDay2019##卫塞节2019#
卫塞节快乐 法喜充满🙏 Happy Wesak Day #愿全球疫情早日消除,祈愿国泰民安 #但愿美好世界和平🌸 http://t.cn/zRLZ5er
🙏 Happy Wesak Day! #卫塞节##平安#