Thursday Is My Friday Meme Funny Friday Memes For Work Holiday Weekend Meme Its Friday Memes Dirty It’s Friday Memes Adults Only Its The Weekend Meme It Is Friday Meme Tgif Friday Meme Weekend Fun Meme Long Weekend Meme Friday Inspiration Meme Finally Friday Funny Friday Work Meme Funny Finall...
While theNew Year holiday wishesseason is around and people working with you as colleagues or employees are getting excited, you can make use of that motivation to make them work better for your business as well. One way of doing them is sharing New Year Quotes with them through mail or m...
I love gardening and watching things grow and I love to go out first thing every morning to check how the plants are growing in my garden and enjoy the new flowers coming through. I make a point of getting up early, going outside and taking a few minutes before waking the kids or log...
As I write to you now, it’s Thursday. 18:44. It has been quite the fortnight. First, a week or so ago we saw the completion of what I think might be the biggest project Diva has ever delivered (see above), featuring lenticular bus wraps, a 3D Piccadilly deep screen, and a mon...
“If 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40, why can’t Thursday be the new Friday?”–Unknown “… Enjoy yourself. You work hard every day; you deserve to turn up on the weekends with your friends.”–Logic “I don’t care if Monday’s blue, Tuesday’s gray and Wednesday to...
05ThursdayMar 2015 PostedbyaprilsatelierinSewing, Non-Quilting ≈7 Comments Tags Briar Rose,fabric house,Scandinavian Stitches I’ve mentionedhereandhereabout two previous projects I had worked up, as part of my commitment to a “Create-It-Forward” challenge in 2014. This last one was not com...
It’s Thursday and we have sunshine and beautiful skies while many of you are suffering winter storm conditions yet again. Hope you are safe. What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? We are going to have our meal in. Dear volunteered to barbecue some steaks and I’ll add some baked ...
On Thursday evening, July 19th, we will have a viewing and on Friday July 20th at 11:00 am we will have the funeral at Rose Hills followed by a lunch/reception at Brea Baptist Church in Brea, California. Posted on June 27, 2018 in Addyson May, Cousins, Family, Funerals, Pop's ...
of the Dog tradition, all swear words have been replaced with the word [kitten] to make this thread safe to read at work. Sigh, yes, work awaits again after the long weekend. It sucks but it keeps food on the table, not that you need any more food on the t...
supremely heteronormative display of marital stereotyping. She also asks Alexa to add wrapping paper to the shopping list. She does the family cooking. Meanwhile, the father has gotten the day of the week wrong, thinking it’s Saturday when it’s actually Thursday. Doofus Dad set-up is ...