11. Flowers, anyone? viadigitalmomblog Isn’t this flower cow adorable? If you are having a tough time, or simply looking for something to make you smile, this should do the trick. 12. Community Pantry viadigitalmomblog This is one of the coolest things we’ve seen lately. It would ...
In the garden of our love, I find the most exquisite flowers of happiness and the sweetest fruits of companionship. Here’s to nurturing our love and watching it bloom even more in the coming year. Happy New Year, my beloved! Your love is my guiding star, leading me through the uncertai...
Pin It There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.-Walt Streightiff It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and hea...
On our way to Canada on Saturday afternoon we slowed down at the border and I took a shot of this white barn right next to the border between the U.S.A. and British Columbia. We had a nice little chat with the Border agent and she decided we were worthy to enter her country. We ...
Dr Who used to play every Saturday night in my house when I was growing up. I would usually be crouched behind the sofa, terrified by the mere mention of a Dalek while the rest of my family enjoyed the height of sophisticated 1970’s / 80’s TV. ...
This Easter we were blessed to have a table of ten. Five couples including Dear and me. It was good to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ together at an Easter service and around our celebration table. On Saturday before Easter Sunday we had a baking and creating day that you can...