Bilancini E, D’Alessandro S (2012) Long run welfare under externalities in consumption, leisure, and production: a case for happy de-growth vs. unhappy growth. Ecol EconE. Bilancini and S. D'Alessandro, Long-run welfare under externalities in consumption, leisure, and production: a case...
Imagine that you are 25 years old and extremely unhappy with your future prospects. You cannot find the motivation to work towards a better future and the most difficult part of the day is often the moment when you have to get out of bed. You think of 2 ways to get happier: You invit...
in any case, is to prevent unhappy and mistreated women from having choices and being able to make changes to benefit their situations that men don’t want them getting out of. Men can never be fully trusted to have women’s
The moment you hear yourself having a negative thought, put a pause to it. Can that be expressed using positive phrases? In all your internal exchanges with yourself, consider any setbacks that you are bound to run into on your path to success, as isolated and short-term, and not permanen...
Are you unhappy with the amount of time your teen spends in front of the TV, or on the computer or their mobile phone? Do you wish you could play a more active role in supporting your teenager? Do you want to help them find strength and confidence?
Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, many things – people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. ...
He was buried by the side of the poor young lady for whom he had cherished those tender and unhappy regrets; and he left all he had to her sister. She lived to be a happy wife and mother; she married my sister’s son, who succeeded poor Meltham; she is living now, and her ...
I am pretty happy with my life but the main part that makes me unhappy is the stresses about money. I can’t do a single thing without thinking over and over if i can afford it, if its worth it or will i save money. And on the subject of sex, well i agree that...
Ah, now there's the ticket. I don't doubt you are unhappy when you don't reach your goals, but wouldn't it be better if you could be happy regardless? step back on July 9, 2008 - 8:28am Permalink | Parent | Comments top Are we, in 2008, happier than [before]? ... I ...
performance in different operationalizations of well-being (hedonic vs. eudaimonic) and performance (self-rated vs. supervisor rated), e.g., the same employee could be hedonically happy, eudaimonically unhappy, and receive high or low performance ratings depending on the source of evaluation. ...