'russian':'ru','serbian':'sr','ukrainian':'uk','hebrew':'he','arabic':'ar','marathi':'mr','hindi':'hi','bengali':'bn','tamil':'ta','telugu':'te','malyalam':'ml','thai':'th','chinese simplified':'zh-Hans','chinese traditional':'zh-Hant','japanese':'ja','korean':'...
No matter where you’re from, or what language you speak, there’s an event that everyone celebrates. That event is the New Year. Greet your friends in their native language, or just wish people you know “Happy New Years” in a new language! AFRIKAANSgelukkige nuwejaar / voorspoedige ...
RT @IamTabithaBrown: Happy 20 year wedding anniversary babe!! 🎉🙌🏾 ️ https://t.co/AAmfY01lmI RT @vctbz: "in 2023 i hope that sua is always happy" Happy Birthday Boss #HBDTeluguPrideBabu https://t.co/N9SKr80wCL