DVD影片 恐懼症 逃脫 動畫片 Thai 3D電影 天賦 藍光影片 館藏: 萬年館 畫質: DVD 評分4.8 / 5分(由看過此片觀眾投票平均) 英文片名:Happy Feet 2 這集《快樂腳2》國王企鵝曼波遭遇一個難題,他的小兒子艾瑞克有舞蹈恐懼症不願意跳舞,企圖逃走並認識會飛的企鵝「勇猛賽夫」,他該如何讓小兒子正視他的跳舞天...
Happy Feet 預約看片 導演: 喬治米勒 主演: 雨果威明 休傑克曼 妮可基嫚 羅賓威廉斯 伊利亞伍德 年份:2007 片長:109分鐘 分級:普遍級 標籤: 瘋狂 命運 踢踏舞 長老 DVD影片 雙語發音 驅逐 派對 真相 唱歌 勇氣 金球獎. 金球獎最佳原創歌曲 奧斯卡最佳動畫片 ...
Previews play on start up for Blu-ray 3D andHappy Feet Two: The Videogame. As with the first film’s initial DVD,Happy Feet Twodoesn’t come loaded with a tremendous amount of behind the scenes supplements, but there is a decent enough package of small nuggets that offer some value. Whi...
快樂腳 Happy Feet 英文正式版(DVD版)相關網址:http://www.happyfeet-game.com/ 破解方法:內容說明:《Happy Feet》是根據華納兄弟公司同名卡通喜劇改編的冒險類遊戲,玩家將扮演一隻 名為「Mumble」的企鵝,Mumble是誕生於人人都會唱歌的企鵝國度的一隻年輕的企鵝, 不幸的是,Mumble是這個世界裡唯一不擅長唱歌的企鵝...
Watching the DVD scores of times over their formative years is another matter. Children internalize the stories they grow up with. Happy Feet is not a story to raise your children on.Tags: Animation, DreamWorks Animation, Family, Happy Feet of Madagascar, Humans Are the Real Monsters, Junior ...
There is an embossed, cardboard cover that goes over this DVD's amaray case. We see Mumble and the rest of the penguins on this as they flail around and kick up their feet. The back features more images of Mumble and the other characters dancing around, with a clear blue sky and snow...
Happy Feet is a film directed by George Miller with Animation, Voice: Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Brittany Murphy ... Year: 2006. Original title: Happy Feet. Synopsis: A comedy adventure set in the land of the Emperor Penguins in the heart of A
DVD4449快樂腳 2HappyFeet Two 英語發音 繁體中文語言字幕版(DVD版)(適用任何家用DVD播放機) DVW3462-3藍光畫質版Happyxin xin 快樂心心 1-52集(完) 國語發音 繁體/簡體中文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(3DVD) DVO1846-6何嘉仁英語樂翻天HappyLAND 英語發音 幼兒教學版(適用任何家用DVD播放機)...