Happy Daysfollows the lives of the Cunningham family and their friend Arthur “The Fonz” Fonzarelli, who live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As well as introducing the world to the iconic character of “The Fonz” (Henry Winkler),Happy Dayspresents the Cunninghams – father Howard (Tom Bosley), h...
Happy Days(1974–1984) TV-G TV Series|30 min|Comedy, Family, Music Edit pageAdd to list Track In Milwaukee Wisconsin, hardware store owner Howard Cunningham, his wife Marion, and their children Richard and Joanie live through the 1950s with help and guidance from lovable and almost superhuman...
Happy Days - Full Cast & Crew1974-2015 11 Seasons ABC Comedy TVG Watchlist Where to Watch A sitcom about life in the 1950s revolving around the squeaky-clean Cunningham family and their relationship with Fonzie, a motorcycle-riding Casanova. ...
Joanie Cunningham Al Delvecchio About the ShowHappy Days was a show based on life in the mid-1950's to mid-1960's Milwaukee, Wisconsin that ran from January 14, 1974, to May 8, 1984. The show followed the life of teenager Richie Chunningham (Ron Howard) with his family and 3 best...
Don Most originally auditioned for the role of Richie Cunningham. He didn’t get it, obviously, but Marshall liked him enough to create the practical joker Ralph Malph, who stayed on the show until 1980 and then left, along with Richie, to join the Army. After Happy Days, he appeared...
Happy Days tells the story of the Cunninghams, one of America's most beloved TV families played by Tom Bosley (Howard), Erin Moran (Joanie), Marion Ross (Marion), and Ron Howard (Richie). Richie and Joanie had an older brother, Chuck (Gavan O'Herlihy and Randolph Roberts), but he ...
Love and the Happy Days/Love and the Newscasters: Directed by Marc Daniels, Gary Nelson. With John Astin, Carl Ballantine, Ric Carrott, Harold Gould. An American family of the 1950s gets their first television. The teenage son Ritchie and his friend Pots
He lived in a small accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, above the Cunningham family’s garage, subordinate to their primary residence. Lending to his coolness, it was illegal. But it offset Mr. and Mrs. C’s mortgage costs and gave suburbia a housing choice for working-class mechanics it did...
November 30, 1976 (United States) Country of origin United States Official sites EIDR international happy days fans club Language English Filming locations Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA(Studio) ...
Happy Days S7.E9All episodes Cast & crew User reviews IMDbProAll topicsJoanie Busts Out Episode aired Nov 13, 1979 TV-G IMDb RATING 7.4/10 95 YOUR RATING RateComedyFamilyMusic Fed up with her parents' restrictions, seventeen-year-old Joanie decides to assert her independence and secretly ...