Culture Note Happy Birthday Song “Happy Birthday to You”(also known simply as “Happy Birthday”)has been sung across the English-speaking world (and also in many other languages)for over a hundred years.It is widely considered the most recognized song in the English language.The tune is ...
Studentssummarizethebirthdayactivitiesmentionedinthetwoposts. 培养学生自主探究、归纳总结能力。 Step7 Homework Makeasurveyaboutyourgroupmembers’birthdayactivitiesandwriteashortsurveyreport. 板书设计 SectionB(1a-1d) BirthdayActivities: eatbirthdaynoodleshaveabirthdaycake sing“HappyBirthday”song blowoutcandles makea...
birthdays.This is the first period.We can use some pictures or activities to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.And the new words can be taught by usingpictures in PPT.While listening,the students should master some strategies,such as taking notes and grasping ...
1.TellthedatesandmonthsinEnglish. 2.Getbasicinformationaboutpeoplesbirthdayfromlisteningmaterials. 3.Pronounce/h/,/r/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/?/,/w/and/j/correctly,andrememberthelettersandlettercombinationsthatrepresentthem. 4.Knowtheintonationinthesentences. ...
1.Students work in groups of four, ask group members’ ages and birthdays and take notes. 2.Students line up their group members’ ages and birthdays from the youngest to the oldest. 通过调查小组成员生日和年龄, 并将其由小到大排列的有实际意义的小组活动,学以致用。Step 5 Pronunciation 1....
The song "Happy Birthday to You" is an example of just how interesting the world is. Think about this song—it is only 6 notes. Yet it is one of the bestnown songs in the world. It was written in 1893 by Mildred and Patty Hill and first published with the words, "Good morning ...
May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun. Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday. 愿你的生日在新的一年里带给你无限的欢乐。请接受我的祝福,祝你生日快乐!
When do you spend your birthday? What do you do on that day Do you do anything special open birthday gifts eat birthaday cake take photos make a wish go shopping eat birthday noodles hear the “Happy Birthday” song blow out candles ...
人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit7HappyBirthday! 教案 单元教学目标 【Language Abilities】 1.Talkaboutpeople'sbirthdays. 2.ExpressdatesinEnglish. 3.LearntouseEnglishexpressionsforshopping. 4.Explorehowandwhypeoplecelebratebirthdays. 【Culture Awareness】 1.Knowaboutthedifferentwaysofcelebrating birthdaybetwee...