5) I wish you to fly in the plane of success, land on the airport of victory every day. My wishes are with you all the time dear. Happy Birthday to you. 6) Hey dear, today is your birthday & I want you to know how much I love and the admiration I have for you, I want to...
a嗨,女孩.祝你生日快乐.虽然有时你的小脾气让人跟不爽,但是我还是爱你.16岁,再见. Hi, girl. Wishes your birthday to be joyful. Sometimes although your small temperament lets the human with not be feeling well, but I love your .16 years old, goodbye.[translate]...
I tried to count the candles on this cake to see what birthday it was. It looks like 7 but I’m not sure. This was at our house in Montebello Gardens/Pico Rivera, 4635 Oak Street. It’s funny how the old addresses stick in my head. My sister Kathy on the right with my cousin ...
As we continued east we went through Kansas and stopped at Dear’s Great Aunt Matilda’s. She was single all her life and never forgot anyone’s birthday. We all received cards every year while she was alive. Our next stop was in Peoria, Illinois to visit Dear’s paternal grandmother an...
We totally surprised the little boy when we all chimed in and boomed a big version of Happy Birthday for all to hear. The little boy smiled so big. Joy was all around. VISIT A FOOD BANK: A couple of years ago we were financially struggling. In our entire marriage we had never ...
Or I always bring almonds with me on the plane.And now very often, there’s somebody with a nut allergy on the plane and you can’t open a bag of nuts on the plane, you’ll make them sick.And so you’re like, “Okay. Well, that takes care of that.”Abel: Yeah....
Giggles Smith的视频 轻松办beat meme是什么意思 livehouse怎么读 subscribe视频 ddeonggae Flippy HappyWheels 相关问题 happy street 里面动物头上的灯和汉堡是什么意思2013.07.05 what plane is in the street?(脑筋急转弯)2019.01.04 查看更多关于Happy street 小人脑袋上的汉堡...的问题 >>...
My sister took this photo of my dear old Pop with his youngest great granddaughter on Christmas Eve in California. Christmas Eve happens to be her birthday, too. Happy first birthday dear one! These are Pop’s grandchildren and great grandchildren that were able to gather together this year ...
4. It’s your birthday and you get to pick the dinner menu. What are we having? Do you ever lie about your age? I do not lie about my age since I’ve been an adult. In my youth I tried to sneak an age or two older for certain privileges. Now about that dinner…We are havin...
Sunday July 29th was a birthday celebration at Golden Skewers in Montebello for our brother Leonard who is twins with our sister Lana. (She was gone for this celebration). Next door to Golden Skewers is a bakery we’ve enjoyed for over 50 years, Amy’s. The birthday cake in the next ...