今天是张曼玉 59 岁生日! | 9 月 20 日是张曼玉的生日! Happy Birthday to Maggie!! “镜头里深刻的爱情,在世界的幕布上无足轻重,也正因如此,只有和别人产生关联的时候,我们才在彼此的眼中被放大了。” 这是张曼玉对《花样年华》结尾的解读! #花样年华#女人如花#花样年华#花样年华#像张曼玉一样风情万种(书...
sothereissomefruitonthecake.It's27forMaggie.IbuyMaggieablackhat.Ithinkshemust28niceinthehat.Myfather29somesmallballs.Maggiemustbehappytoplaywiththem.HappyBirthday,mydearMaggie!I'msureyouwillhave30onyourbirthday!21.A.well B.thereC.only D.here22.A.old B.muchC.many D.tall23.A.Who B.WhereC...
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