LanguageHow to say "Happy Birthday" Afrikaans Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag! Albanian Urime ditelindjen! Alsatian Gueter geburtsdaa! Amharic Melkam lidet! Arabic Eid milaad saeed! or Kul sana wa inta/i tayeb/a! (masculine/feminine) Armenian Taredartzet shnorhavor! or Tsenund shnorhavor...
andvarious functional expressions learned in this unit to their own writing.◆Teaching Breakthroughs(教学突破)The teacher can design free talk,watching birthday videos and some other activities to activatestudents'relevant language knowledge.This can help the students clear up some writing difficulties.The...
Unit 7Happy Birthday!Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to:1.find out the birthdays in a group and write them on the calendar, and then find out whose birthdays are this month;2.write an essay on a meaningful way to celebrate the birthdays;3.plan a meaningf...
The teacher can design free talk,watching birthday videos and some other activities to activate students' relevant language knowledge.This can help the students clear up some writing difficulties.The students should be given some help,including completing a mind map with them,and making an outline ...
Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 单元课时数 6 一、单元内容分析 Big Question Why do we celebrate birthdays? 单元内容分析 该主题“人与自我”范畴,涉及“理性消费”以及“人与社会”范畴,涉及“良好的人际关系与人际交往”和 “世界国家...
Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 单元课时数 6 一、单元内容分析 Big Question Why do we celebrate birthdays? 单元内容分析 该主题“人与自我”范畴,涉及“理性消费”以及“人与社会”范畴,涉及“良好的人际关系与人际交往”和 “世界国家的庆祝活动”。 本单元由四篇对话、一篇说明文、网上论坛三种不同类型的语篇组成。
Learn how to say Happy Birthday in over 75 different languages. Feliz Cumpleaños! Language How to say “Happy Birthday!” Afrikaans Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag! Albanian Urime ditelindjen! Arabic Eid milaad saeed! Armenian Taredartzet shnorhavor! Austrian Ois guade winsch i dia zum...
Whose birthday is it? How do you celebrate your birthday? Let’s learn about the objeectives of this unit. By the end of the unit, we will be able to talk about people’s birthdays and express dates in English. We will learn to use English expressions for shopping. We will explore ...
Beabletoaccuratelytransferandapplythevocabulary,targetstructures,sentencepatterns,andvariousfunctionalexpressionslearnedinthisunittotheirownwriting. ◆TeachingBreakthroughs(教学突破) Theteachercandesignfreetalk,watchingbirthdayvideosandsomeotheractivitiestoactivatestudentsrelevantlanguageknowledge.Thiscanhelpthestudentsclearupso...
57.When do people who were born on Leap Day usually celebrate their birthday yearly ( no more than 10 words) 58.What does the underlined word "They" in the last paragraph refer to (no more than 2 words) 59.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words. ( no more than...