Unit7HappyBirthday!第一课时 分层作业 01 —夯基达标I 一、单词拼写 1.Thewinterholiday(寒假)usuallycomesinJorFebruary. 2.Thankyouverymuchformybirthdaywithme.(庆祝) 3.Thereareonlytwenty-eightdaysin(二月). 4.WellhaveaschooltripinD,thelastmonthofayear(年). ...
Thomas later said that it was the “best birthday ever”. The police department posted photos of the boy and his new friends in the hope that it would encourage other people to take action against bullying. “No kid should get bullied, and no kid should worry if anyone will come to his...
B. Thomas will probably have a good time on his birthday next year. C. The police department called on people to fight against bullying through Internet. D. Thomas invited Lynema to his birthday party because he was often bullied in school. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: How to live a h...
B. Thomas will probably have a good time on his birthday next year. C. The police department called on people to fight against bullying through Internet. D. Thomas invited Lynema to his birthday party because he was often bullied in school. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: How to live a h...
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