JHAP, a very happy birthday to you from another GSF fan, an aficionado.We need you back; the GSF need your support. Many new folks have joined the forum and are posting here since your last earnest, powerful, vigorous, dedicated, not to mention humorous defense of those spunky pond deni...
He died 12 days before my 18th birthday in November 1977. He was 54. Too young to die as he buried many rich stories about his heroics in World War Two. Fortunately, my mom and many uncles and some of my dad's friends filled in a few stories he found painful to discuss. So why...
Last year on my 60th birthday, perhaps naively, I sat down to figure out if there was anything I could do to increase my odds for a healthy happy rest of my life. My parents hadn't fared so well after they hit 60. "Judging by my parents--that last quarter of life doesn't look...
It was the birthday of the Infanta. She was just twelve years of age, and the sun was shining bright... 后续精彩内容,上QQ阅读APP免费读 上QQ阅读看本书,新人免费读10天 登录订阅本章 > 第9章 THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL Every evening the young Fisherman went out upon the sea, and threw...