391 / 919 Previous Poem Happy Birthday Our Darling Daughter Radhika Rating: ★5.0 Autoplay My heart sings a sweet song of joy, each day, When i remember the day you were born; When i held you in my arms for the first time, When you opened your eyes and looked at me, And i...
If you're looking for a specific birthday message for someone, or a certain style of message, then take a look at these other happy birthday articles: Birthday Wishes|Funny|Wife|Husband|Boyfriend|Friends|Mom|Dad|Auntie|Niece|Sister|Brother|Daughter|Son|Coworker|Belated|Bible Verse|Birthday Prayer...
NCLR is a public interest law firm, which litigates precedent-setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBT community; provides free legal assistance to LGBT people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBT...
On the grounds of this beautiful palace are the most magnificent Cedars of Lebanon. Our daughter Katie is standing at one so you can get a better perspective on just how huge these trees are. In the verses below the righteous are compared to this amazing tree. Because of Christ’s righteou...
making it the world's most expensive car. CAN I HAVE ONE OF THOSE JOBS TOO? Recently, Dave Wedge's Sunday Herald's Pols & Politics had a piece on the daughter of a city councilor who just graduated from college. She landed a job on Mayor Menino's advance team consisting of several ...