So Happy Anniversary With many more to come! Louise Hernan Sunday, November 20, 2011 poempoemsanniversarycelebrate Rate this poem: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Download image of this poem. Report this poem READ THIS POEM IN OTHER LANGUAGES This poem has not been translated into any other language ye...
Anniversaries are sweet reminders of how wonderful a marriage is especially when the anniversary is on Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day Anniversary To My Wife! As luck would have it, it appears that I’ve hit the jackpot by having a wife like you! Happy Valentine’s Day To My...
I promise to always love and cherish you; your happiness means the world to me. On this day, our anniversary, I vow to work my hardest each day to make you happy. Happy Wedding Anniversary To Us Wishes 21.Happy anniversary to my best friendand wife. I am so thankful for your love a...
Touched by the poem? Share your story! (0) Birthday Anniversary By Kristina Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author. We sometimes struggle with birthdays, especially as we grow older. I wrote this for my sister when she turned 38 to bring her peace, ho...
Our love has grown together…When I think of our life together over the years, all the special times and treasured memories, I know I am so lucky to have you as my wife you always bring me joy Happy Anniversary. Happy Anniversary to the one I’ll always want, even when I’m too ol...
Suan and John are going to get married. 是的.我和我妻子结婚纪念日去旅行.下个星期. Yes, My wife and I will travel on our wedding anniversary in next week. 这对新婚夫妇和他们双方的父母总共花了 120,0000 元开启了他们 两人一起的新生活,包括婚礼,蜜月旅行,买房子,家具和车子. 结婚 .. The ...
Two years ago, Helentalked aboutcelebrating anniversaries withgifts appropriate for that anniversary: cotton for first, paper for second, leather for third and so on. She laughed as she told she had made a bikini from paper that would fit her for their paper anniversary and sent it to Damian...
RAK week, Valentines, my anniversary, my daughter’s bday…so much LOVE. Love it!! What do you do and how do you FEEL about the month of LOVE? Do you spread love and kindness to those around you? Do you feel more alone? Do you feel you wish you had someone to love? Do you ...
The poem is about poppies – blowing and growing on a battlefield. It’s about the gift of freedom from those who fight. On a sunny day in October I had the opportunity to sit and ponder in the memorial garden in thebirth-place of Dr. McCraein Guelph, Ontario, Canada. ...